The United Planet (UP) Game is a time traveling immersive experience to design a thriving future.       


The United Planet (UP) Game is a time traveling immersive experience to design a thriving future. 

The UP Game is a groundbreaking immersive reality game that fosters a global community of transformational leaders known as Gaians. Over six days, we embark on an experience that passes beyond time, coming together to dream, vision, play, and heal while collaboratively reverse engineering a future we wish to see through our collective imagination and intention.

Unleashing Gaian Potential.

Activating Collective Intelligence.

Unlocking Cooperative Advantage.

Unleashing Community Potential.

Activating Collective Intelligence.

Unlocking Cooperative Advantage.

Reverse engineering
a thriving future

Narratives are at the forefront of cultural transformation, sparking our imagination with new possibilities. When enough people believe in these narratives, culture shifts, leading to changes in everything from companies to governments. This power of narratives has driven significant achievements like landing on the Moon, attaining civil liberties, and advocating for freedom and justice.

The UN's Sustainable Development Goals served as a good starting point. Now, it's crucial to craft a compelling narrative around them. We create opportunities by reverse engineering solutions and milestones, beginning with our desired future.

Cooperatively reverse engineering solutions from the future proves more effective than incremental progress from our current challenges, avoiding the complexities of the present mess.

We are reverse engineering
a thriving planetary civilisation.

Narratives are the front line of cultural transformation. A new story of what is possible ignites our imagination. Once enough people believe it, then culture changes. Once culture changes, everything changes, from companies to governments. This premise is what lead us to set foot on the Moon, to achieve civil liberties, to fight for freedom and justice.

The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals were a good start. Now it’s time to create compelling stories around how we went beyond them. We create opportunities to reverse engineer solutions and milestones and connect with funding.

We start with where we wish to be. Apply to join us for an UP Game here.


UP Games create stories around the achievement of thriving future:

How it works

The UP Game is a 6 day rite of passage outside of time. We gather as four teams of 12 Gaians to create a vision at the boundaries of our collective imagination and potential.

The UP Games bring together up to 48 visionary storytellers of the future. Four teams, each consisting of 12 players, immerse themselves in a day of achieved visions, co-creating transformative experiences that foster teamwork, creativity, and leadership. Everyone is encouraged to contribute their unique magic and gifts.

Each day, the teams set intentions and guide the rest of the players through the immersive experiences. These teams are structured around areas of regeneration, drawing inspiration from players' current projects, feelings, and values, creating a dynamic and meaningful journey within the Game.

How it works


How it works

United Planet hosts UP Games in locations around the world to tell the greatest story never told. Each UP Game is a 6 day Rite of Passage outside of time. Each Game gathers up to 48 storytellers of the future. 4 teams of up to 12 players create an immersive day where our collective visions have been achieved.

The Next UP Game is happening in Davos, Switzerland from 14-20th January.

Each UP Game creates a unifying narrative around the stories of how we remembered the future and delivered on our collective imagination and potential.

Each of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals are represented on teams.

The Flow of the Week

Each UP Game begins on Sunday with Time Day where we experience a Time Sovereignty circle to leave behind limitations, conditioning and dystopia. We step into an experience of infinite potential.

On Monday the Water Team creates Water Day as an immersive experience to celebrate community and belonging. The Water team creates experiential mythologies around community abundance, wealthy commons, regenerative living and water security.

On Tuesday the Fire Team creates Fire Day where we celebrate the transformation of society, culture and the economy. The Water team creates immersions that include the themes of gender harmony, peace and justice, systemic transformation and circular economies.

On Wednesday the Air Team creates Air Day where we celebrate all life thriving to our fullest potential. The Air Team transforms their vision for health and well-being, societal thriving, unleashing potential and nourishing food into a collective shared experience.

On Thursday the Earth team creates Earth Day where we celebrate the planet and our role as stewards. The Earth team creates immersive experiences to connect us with planetary health, ocean stewardship, ubiquitous energy and land stewardship.

On Friday we complete our journey outside of time by contributing on one team to create the Gaian tradition - Our unifying vision of the thriving future.

Why You Should Join

Fostering Unity and Community: United Planet's primary goal is to promote a sense of unity and community among individuals worldwide. We believe that through collective action and cooperation, we can address global challenges and create a positive impact on our planet.

Transitioning to the Infinite Game: We strive to shift the focus from individual competition (finite game) to collaborative and sustainable approaches (infinite game). By embracing an infinite game mindset, where everyone benefits when the collective thrives, we aim to foster a harmonious and prosperous world for all.

Embracing a Gaian Identity: United Planet encourages individuals to identify as Gaians, acknowledging their interconnectedness with all living beings and the Earth. By adopting a Gaian identity, people can align their actions and values with the greater good, working towards the wellbeing of the planet and its inhabitants.

Taking the Gaian Oath: The Gaian Oath symbolises a commitment to building a thriving civilisation iin harmony with all life. By pledging this oath, Gaians express their dedication to creating a regenerative world, grounded in respect for nature and each other.

Creating a Thriving Civilization: Our ultimate objective is to contribute to the creation of a thriving global civilization. Through transformative projects, initiatives, and collaborations, we seek to realize a future free from borders, conflicts, and injustice, where every community prospers in harmony with nature.

Harmonizing with All Life: United Planet emphasizes the importance of living in harmony with all living beings and the natural environment. This objective drives us to prioritize ecological sustainability and to support initiatives that protect and preserve our planet's delicate ecosystems.

Embracing Abundance and Equality: We work towards a world where abundance and equality are central tenets of society. By promoting equitable distribution of resources and opportunities, we seek to foster a more just and inclusive global community.

Unleashing a Civilizational Redesign Game: United Planet envisions an immersive and transformative experience that challenges individuals and teams to redesign the way our civilization operates. This redesign game encourages new ideas and solutions that bring us closer to a harmonious, sustainable, and regenerative world.

Empowering Teams and Collective Flow States: We aim to empower teams of individuals to function cohesively, tapping into collective flow states where creativity and innovation thrive. By rewarding collaborative efforts and team achievements, we promote a culture of synergy and cooperation.

Creating a Better Future for All: Ultimately, United Planet's goals converge on the vision of creating a better future for all inhabitants of our planet. Through interconnected initiatives, global cooperation, and a Gaian identity, we work towards a world that exemplifies prosperity, peace, and unity.

How to Join

Join the United Planet Community and Experience Community in Motion

Are you ready to be part of a transformative movement towards a better future? Join the United Planet (UP) community and immerse yourself in an unparalleled experience of collective action and collaboration.

The UP Games are at the heart of our community's journey. Aspiring Gaians like you can apply to be one of the up to 48 storytellers of the future who will shape the next immersive 6-day UP Game. Each UP Game brings together four teams, each consisting of up to 12 visionary players. Together, you will create an extraordinary vision that transcends the boundaries of our collective imagination and potential.

At United Planet, we believe in the power of creating from the future we envision. By connecting with fellow Gaians and drawing inspiration from the United Planet’s UPgrades and transformative narratives, we can use our collective intelligence to reverse engineer our pathway forwards.

Are you ready to embark on a journey of profound growth, cooperation, and positive impact? Join the United Planet Community today and experience community in motion as we shape a better world together. Apply for an upcoming UP Game and become part of the united force of Gaians transforming our planet for the better. Together, we can co-create a future that reflects our highest aspirations and values. Join us now, and let's unleash the potential of a United Planet.

The United Planet is a Golden Bridge for the Golden Decade. 

Together, we co-envision
our regenerative shared future.

Apply now and choose
your elemental team.


The United Planet is a Golden Bridge for the Golden Decade. 

Together, we co-envision
our regenerative shared future.

Apply now and choose
your team.