The UP Game Experience is an adventure of a lifetime designing thriving futures.
A convergence of leaders, change makers and visionaries creating narratives, strategies and culture from the future.
The next UP Games are:
Earth Ship - Atlantic Crossing, 8-13th November
Pura Vida - Costa Rica, 15-21st December
Gaian Civilisation - Switzerland, 24-27th January
Light Adventure - Dominican Republic, 23-27th February
Gaia Temple - Hawaii, 16-22nd March
Ubuntu Land - South Africa, 27th April - 3rd May
Ibizan Inspiration - Ibiza, 27th July - 2nd August
Gaian Airship - USA, 24-30th August
Mythical Nation - Bhutan, 5-11th October
Amazon Amore - Brazil, 21-27th November
Our mission is to tell the greatest story never told.
We come together in four elemental teams:
The Water Team celebrates community living
The Fire Team designs cultural transformation
The Air Team immerses into collective thriving
The Earth Team stories the solutions of planetary regeneration
Our journey together will enable each team to collaborate on the creation of an experiential story through a series of immersive experiences that express the visions of each team.
The UP Game Experience is an adventure of a lifetime designing thriving futures.
A convergence of leaders, change makers and visionaries creating narratives, strategies and culture from the future.
The next UP Games are:
Magic Mountain - Davos, Switzerland from 14th - 20th of January
Divine Play - India from 25th of February - 2nd March
Templars Temple - Portugal from 12-18th of May
Participation in an UP Game is designed to be as accessible as possible. 25% of places are $6000 for solo rooms and suites, 25% are at $4000 for shared rooms, 25% on United Planet Academy at $2000 and 25% local participation. This covers all meals, experiences, accommodation and membership of the United Planet DAO.
This first patronage to the United Planet DAO and is rewarded in Stars, our Planetary currency.
Apply to join us.
We come together in four elemental teams:
The Water Team celebrates community and belonging
The Fire Team designs conscious culture
The Air Team immerses into the unleashing of our potential
The Earth Team stories the solutions of planetary thriving
Our journey together will enable each team to collaborate on the creation of an experiential story through a series of immersive experiences that express the visions of each team.
Participation in an UP Game is designed to be as accessible as possible. 25% of places are $6000 for solo rooms and suites, 25% are at $4000 for shared rooms, 25% on United Planet Academy at $2000 and 25% local participation. This covers all meals, experiences, accommodation and membership of the United Planet DAO.
This first patronage to the United Planet DAO and is rewarded in Stars, our Planetary currency.
Apply to join us.
Our goal is to create a collaborative container to share visions and solutions remembered from the future. We will have so many experiences that will be nothing short of spectacular.
Most of the magic of the UP Game will remain secret until you experience it… But to give you a taste for what is in store…
JoJoin us to create the United Planet together.
This gathering is an experiment in co-creation, trust, vision and belonging. There is no organising team as such behind this but rather a real time co-creation of magic by us for the planet.
Teams will be supported with ongoing collaboration infrastructure to continue to realise their visions and invite others to participate. Our goal is to kick off an ongoing effort to reimagine our world and reverse engineer the future we wish to see. All Gaian Players have the opportunity to be rewarded for their contributions in the United Planet DAO.
We intend to co-create:
Life-long Friendships
‘Communitas’ is the feeling of oneness in our common-unity. We seek to come together as Gaians around our best stories.
Collective Transformation
We will explore the healing of collective conditioning, trauma and how we transformed with the Golden Age.
Harmonic Flow
We feel synchronised ‘Ecstasis’ when we meet with open hearts, love and commitment to tell the best story of ourselves.
Radical Hope
The future should not be predicted but achieved. We are here to architect and reverse engineer positive futures in a non-incremental way.
Unifying Stories
Our artifact is a response to the crisis of meaning by crafting a new story of a thriving civilisation in harmony with all life.
Food & Drinks
The dining table is the best collective intelligence technology we have. The culinary experience for the week is going to be something to remember.
The food for the UP Game has been carefully curated for you to experience the power of clean, organic (where possible), local, seasonal ingredients in order to understand after 6 days the effects in your body.
All meals from Sunday until Saturday will be included in the participation contribution.
You are also invited to contribute any magic you wish to share as your expression of love and communion around our meal times.
Food & Drinks
The dining table is the best collective intelligence technology we have. The culinary experience for the week is going to be something to remember.
The food for the UP Game has been carefully curated for you to experience the power of clean, organic (where possible), local, seasonal ingredients in order to understand after 7 days the effects in your body.
All meals from Saturday until Saturday will be included in the participation contribution. No alcoholic drinks will be served unless certain locations at your own expense.
You are also invited to contribute any magic you wish to share as your expression of love and communion around our meal times.
We also have sponsorship options available. Sponsorships are made through a tax deductible donation to our 501c3 Foundation. The sponsorship tiers available are:
Goal sponsorship - From $18,000 for up to 3 participants.
Team sponsorship - From $40,000 for up to 12 participants.
Game sponsorship - From $160,000 for up to 48 participants.
We also have sponsorship options available. Sponsorships are made through a tax deductible donation to our 501c3 Foundation. The sponsorship tiers available are:
Goal sponsorship - From $18,000 for up to 3 participants.
Team sponsorship - From $40,000 for up to 12 participants.
Game sponsorship - From $160,000 for up to 48 participants.
We will learn from each other and weave a collective narrative. Our artifact will be a unique narrative and pathways for our individual and planetary thriving.
We recognise this moment in time is one of the most unique opportunities humanity has ever had. Right in the middle of an age of transition between eras. We are exploring what can be collectively birthed when we bring our hearts and dharma together for a week of immersing into a thriving future. Each team will be responsible for creating a day of immersive experiences around the teams vision for a thriving future.
We welcome you to come as your future self in celebration for everything our planet has accomplished. You’re encouraged to theme your choice of dress around the elements each day if you wish.
We ask that as much as possible you immerse yourself into this unique opportunity of a lifetime to live together in the future. Outside commitments and calls can be made but we recommend to keep your schedule open.
We welcome you to come as your future self in celebration for everything our planet has accomplished. You’re encouraged to theme your choice of dress around the elements each day if you wish.
We ask that as much as possible you immerse yourself into this unique opportunity of a lifetime to live together in the future. Outside commitments and calls can be made but we recommend to keep your schedule open.
Each team is themed around the element and creates a mythology of stories through 4 hours of immersive experiences. Each team has up to 12 people on it - ideally half male, half female with as much diversity as possible. We hope teams will express their collective vision throughout the day in as many creative ways they design.
If you have recommendations for other potential Gaians you’d like to include, please invite them to complete an application form at www.UP.Game/apply.
Health & Safety
It is recommended everyone has travel insurance in case of any issues.
All activities are at your own choice and risk.
We welcome Burning Man style gifting and ‘regenerosity’ in all its forms. Please bring anything you would enjoy sharing. We welcome everyone to bring something sentimental to keep on our collective altar for the week. We would also welcome solarpunk protopia vibes as possible. If you have any ideas there please do bring them. Certainly bring instruments, and anything else you’d like to make magic with.
We welcome Burning Man style gifting and ‘regenerosity’ in all its forms. Please bring anything you would enjoy sharing. If you have any ideas there please do bring them. Certainly bring instruments, and anything else you’d like to make magic with.